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RegenALL. There is not one solution to climate change that works for every place. RegenAll creates solutions for different regions, using the area’s strengths and natural resources. Solutions are created through collaboration with the community so that by 2040, Lancaster County will be carbon neutral.

Carbon Fee and Dividend: A carbon tax is a fee that is charged on fossil fuels in order to encourage people and businesses to switch to renewable energy. This type of economy-wide tax is typically called a carbon fee and dividend or carbon tax and dividend. For example, whenever oil enters the market, a small additional fee would be added on. The point of this system is that it rewards people who don’t contribute GHG and CO2 pollution by making cleaner choices regarding their energy sources. Learn about how LCCL supports this work

EPA- Smart Growth  “Smart Growth and Climate Change”: Employing smart growth policies can help us prevent and adapt to climate change. Mitigation strategies reduce greenhouse gas emissions from developments, while adaptation strategies make communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Smart growth strategies also have economic benefits like saving people money on transportation and energy costs, which is important for low-income residents. Additionally, they help protect human health overall.

Drawdown Lancaster: Learn all about food regenerative agriculture

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